Terms of Use

Participation is free of charge.

Our beta program is the final test for our new cloud server product before we open it to the general public. We strive to provide our customers with the highest quality of service, so we conduct this beta testing in order to find and fix whatever bugs we may have missed during our internal testing.

  • No guarantees - it’s a beta test, after all. Although it is highly unlikely, you should expect that all of your data will be lost.
  • We expect you to provide us with copious amounts of feedback, suggestions, criticism, and feature suggestions. The more, the merrier :-) This is your unique chance to convince us to implement your favorite features!
  • During the beta, we will simulate a number of failure scenarios to ensure that our emergency recovery procedures and redundancy work as designed in a realistic situation. This can and will result in short service interruptions.
  • As with all our services, you have to agree with and abide to our overall Terms of Service. In particular, our acceptable use policy restricts you from running certain kinds of software such as TOR Exit Nodes.
  • This beta test is limited to our location in Frankfurt, Germany. This does not stop anyone overseas from participating, just keep in mind there may exist extra latency if you are using this service overseas. For normal usage, this doesn’t matter, but you may be disappointed if you’re trying to use it for competitive counter strike matches.
    On the other hand, absolutely try and play counter strike if you’re in Europe! We spent a lot of time optimizing our network to provide you with exceptionally low latencies.

All testing will be announced in our internal forum exclusively accessible to our beta testers, and we will keep any interruptions as short as possible.

Once the beta is over, you will be able to convert your test server to our paid offering or change its specifications (assuming our data center did not burn down in a freak accident). As is the case with all of our services, you’re not entering any sort of contractual obligation, and the service will simply run out if you don’t convert it.

Acceptable Use Policy

Use of our services is subject to the following restrictions.

Do not use our services in the following ways:

  • Port- or any other sort of network or application scanning of large networks.
    Exceptions may apply for academic projects and the like. Contact us with a detailed description of what you want to do.
  • TOR Exit nodes or any other public and/or commercial VPN services. Same issue as with port scans (private use is fine).
  • Crypto currency mining or any other proof-of-work calculations which require large amounts of processing power.
  • Use for extremely critical applications like nuclear facilities control or medical application where failure could result in injuries or environmental damage.
  • DDoS attacks of any sort, including on your own systems. We might make exceptions for the latter, if you contact us first with a detailed description of what you want to do.
  • Any use which is already covered by any applicable laws and statutes.

If you give others access to your services, it's your responsibility to ensure that they respect the restrictions noted above.